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Become a Member
Let's get flying! Applying online will allow you to take to the skies sooner at our flying site in Fort Valley, GA.
Benefits of Joining:
Unlimited access to a first-class flying site - The flying site is maintained as a service to our members. Grass cutting, etc. are contracted out and maintained year-round. Members are well aware that when they decide to fly R/C, the field will be ready!
Monthly meetings of our club - Most are held at the flying site and are intended to keep all members informed of happenings with the club.
Semi-Annual picnics (March and September) - Picnics are open to members and families, and are provided for by the club. Members volunteer as hosts for each picnic event.
Modest Annual Dues:
- Adult - $60/yr
- Seniors (65 & up) - $40/yr
- Junior (18 & under) - $10/yr
For additional information or questions, please Contact Us below.
What Is the AMA?
Time to Join!
After reviewing our site and member terms, it's time to join! If you are not already a member of the AMA, please complete both applications at the links provided. Or, continue to the GAMA application with your AMA #.

Not sure if you want to spend your money on a full membership to the AMA? Try their
Introductory Pilot Program!
Click Below to Leary More
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